Web Analytics -এর ২ টি পার্ট
1. Technical part
2. Non-Technical part
শীঘ্রই হয়তো Technical part টা রিপ্লেস হয়ে যেতে পারে বিভিন্ন টুলস দ্বারা আই মিন কয় একটা ক্লিকে সেটআপ ডান ।
কিন্ত Non-Technical বা Analytical পার্টটা সব সময় হিউমান টাচে থাকবে ।
কারণ Non-Technical বা Analytical পার্টে Web Analyst হিসেবে আপনাকে Data এনালাইসিস করতে হবে এবং সেখান থেকে বিজনেস ডিসিশন দিতে হবে যেটা ঐ বিজনেসের গ্রোথে হেল্প করবে । এখানে AI (যেমন ChatGPT), Data এনালাইসিসে হেল্প করবে কিন্তু আপনাকে পুরাপুরি রিপ্লেস করতে পারবে না ।
আমাদের Web Analytics Mastery with Server-side Tracking কোর্সে Technical এবং Non-Technical উভয় পার্ট খুব অ্যাডভান্সড দেখানো হয়েছে সাথে প্রপার ডকুমেন্টেশন ও টেম্পলেট দেয়া হয়েছে ।
Course Outline:
Module-01: Understanding Web & Digital Analytics
➡ What is Web Analytics? Why Need it?
➡ Web Analytics vs Digital Analytics
➡ Web Analytics vs Google Analytics 4
➡ What is Cookie? Understanding Various types of Cookies
➡ How Web Analytics works?
➡ Understanding the Process of Web Analytics
➡ What are Data Source & Web Analytics tools
Module-02: Understanding Google Tag Manager
➡ What is Google Tag Manager & How it works?
➡ Why need Google Tag Manager?
➡ Account Structure of Google Tag Manager
➡ Components of Google Tag Manager (Tags, Triggers & Variables)
➡ Introduction to GTM Built-in and User Defined Variables
➡ Install Google Tag Manager on a Website (Shopify+WordPress+Wix)
➡ Understanding Data Layer in GTM for Dynamic Parameters
Module-03: Planning of Web Analytics
➡ Identify Web Analytics Objectives according to business goals
➡ Identify the KPIs
➡ Measurement & Reporting plan to align reports with objectives
Module-04: Introduction to Google Analytics 4
➡ What is Google Analytics 4 & how does it work?
➡ Google Analytics 4 Account Structure
➡ Google Analytics 4 Property & Data Streams
➡ Understanding Measurement ID in GA4
➡ Install Google Analytics 4 property for a Website with GTM
➡ Test the Setup with GTM & GA4 Debug view
➡ Google Analytics 4(GA4) vs Universal Analytics
Module-05: Google Analytics 4 Events Tracking
➡ Whats are events in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup Enhanced measurement tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup Button Click tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup Lead form, Sign up, Login & Site Search tracking in GA4
➡ Setup Contact Form 7 & Gravity form tracking in GA4
➡ Setup Calendly event tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup Phone Number & Email link Clicks tracking in GA4
➡ Setup Cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics GA4
Module-06: GA4 Ecommerce Tracking
➡ Understanding GA4 Ecommerce Events
➡ Implement Data-layer on Website (WordPress + Shopify)
➡ Setup view_item tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup add_to_cart tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup begin_checkout tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup purchase tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup add_payment_info tracking in Google Analytics 4
Module-07: Google Analytics 4 Conversions
➡ Whats are Conversions in Google Analytics 4
➡ Setup Conversion tracking in Google Analytics 4
➡ Connect Google Analytics 4 with Google Ads
➡ Import conversions from GA4 property to Google Ads account
Module-08: Google Analytics 4 Standard Reporting
➡ Understanding Metrics & Dimensions
➡ Acquisition reports in Google Analytics 4
➡ Engagement reports in Google Analytics 4
➡ Monetization reports in Google Analytics 4
➡ Demographics reports in Google Analytics 4
Module-09: Google Analytics 4 Exploration Reporting
➡ Free form report in Google Analytics 4
➡ User Lifetime report in Google Analytics 4
➡ Path Exploration Report in Google Analytics 4
➡ Segment Exploration report in Google Analytics 4
➡ Funnel Exploration Report in Google Analytics 4
➡ Cohort Exploration Report in Google Analytics 4
Module-10: Digital Marketing Campaign Reporting & Attribution Model
➡ Understanding UTM tracking & Parameters
➡ Analyze the performance of Paid marketing campaigns
➡ Attribution in Google Analytics 4
➡ Conversion Path reports in Attribution model
➡ Model Comparison reports in Attribution model
➡ Setup Hotjar & Microsoft Clarity for Analyzing user behavior on Website
Module-11: GA4 Server-side Tracking
➡ Understanding GA4 Server-side Tracking & Why need it?
➡ Requirements of GA4 Server-side Tracking
➡ Setup GTM Web Container for WordPress & Shopify
➡ Setup GTM Server Container
➡ Setup Client Server using Stape or Google Cloud
➡ Connect GTM Web container to Server Container
➡ Setup GA4 Client & GA4 base tag in Server container
➡ Send Pageview Event to Server-side using GA4 web container
➡ Send View Item Event to Server-side using GA4 web container
➡ Send Add to cart Event to Server-side using GA4 web container
➡ Send Checkout Event to Server-side using GA4 web container
➡ Send Purchase Event to Server-side using GA4 web container
Module-12: Facebook Pixel & Web Event Tracking
➡ What is Facebook Pixel & why neet it
➡ Integrate Facebook base Pixel with website
➡ FB Ecommerce Events tracking (ViewContent, Add to cart, Checkout & Purchase)
➡ FB Custom events tracking (ScrollDepth, Outbound Link Click & Time on page)
➡ Facebook Lead, Registration & Subscribe Event Tracking
Module-13: Facebook Conversion API & Server-side Tracking
➡ Understanding Facebook CAPI & Server-side tracking
➡ Requirements of Facebook CAPI Setup
➡ Setup GTM Server Container using Stape or Google Cloud
➡ Connect GTM Web container to GTM Server Container
➡ Setup Facebook Conversion API in GTM Server side
➡ Send Pageview Event to Server-side with Deduplication
➡ Send ViewContent Event to Server-side with Deduplication
➡ Send Add to cart Event to Server-side with Deduplication
➡ Send Checkout Event to Server-side with Deduplication
➡ Send Purchase Event to Server-side with Deduplication
Module-14: Google Ads Conversion Tracking
➡ Setup Google Ads Add to cart tracking
➡ Setup Google Ads Checkout tracking
➡ Setup Google Ads Purchase with Dynamic value tracking
➡ Setup Google Ads Lead form tracking
➡ Setup Google Ads Remarketing tag
➡ Setup Google Ads Phone call tracking (Ad + Website)
➡ Setup Google Ads Enhanced Conversion Tracking for data accuracy
➡ Setup Google Ads Server-side tracking
Module-15: Privacy Control in GA4, Facebook & Google Ads
➡ Understanding Consent mode & Data Privacy rules
➡ Available Consent solutions in the Market
➡ Setup Consent mode for GA4, Facebook & Google Ads
Module-16: Earning Scopes with Web Analytics & Server-side Tracking
➡ Discuss about Earning Scopes in different Marketplace & Out of marketplace
Web Analytich
I feel confident after finishing this course
Excellent Course!
A big thanks to Shamim Vai.
digital marketing
best teacher for digital marketing
Web Analytics
Thanks to skilluper Mentor we learned how to work properly..
Love you Boss.
Web Analytics with Server Side Tracking
My The Web Analytics course was excellent! It provided clear, practical insights into tools like Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. I gained valuable skills in data tracking and analysis, which helped me optimize campaigns effectively. Highly recommended for anyone looking to improve their web analytics knowledge!